FCS Announcement

We are collecting anonymised information on patients with familial chylomicronaemia syndrome (FCS)/multifactorial chylomicronaemia syndrome (MCS) as a service evaluation & quality improvement project. The project aims to improve understanding of natural history of FCS and to validate the use of FCS scoring algorithm. The project is approved by Manchester University …

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E-ISFA 2020 Announcement

3rd Congress of the European Group – International Society for Apheresis (E-ISFA) Dresden, March 19 to 21, 2020 Congress Topics Recent progress in lipoprotein apheresis Homozygous familial hypercholesterolemia Lipoprotein(a) Competition with drugs Plasma exchange Immunoadsorption – indications, results, future perspectives Experience with extracorporeal therapy in children and during pregnancy Apheresis Registries …

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LipidClub 2019

14th Lipid Club and Therapeutic Apheresis 2019 Udine, 30-31 Maggio 2019 ADVANCED COURSE ON CLINICAL LIPIDOLOGY, METABOLIC DISORDERS AND THERAPEUTIC APHERESIS PROGRAMMA DEFINITIVO La notizia su PrimaPaginaNews  

Ipercolesterolemia familiare: una “Call to Action” globale per migliorare la diagnosi

La federazione FH Europe, riunita a Parigi per il suo meeting annuale, contribuirà alla revisione delle politiche mondiali sulla patologia in occasione del Congresso Mondiale di Cardiologia, il mese prossimo a Dubai Parigi – Un’altra generazione di pazienti con ipercolesterolemia familiare (FH) non può essere lasciata indifesa, in balia delle malattie cardiache. Secondo …

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